Welcome to Empowered Body Academy

Helping you heal with the genius of your nervous system

Learn to transform your body, posture & movement by harnessing your innate movement blueprint

Rediscover your natural movement blueprint

You were born with an optimal blueprint for movement. A set of instructions in the form of reflexes and motor patterns or "software" which guide an infant through its first hours on earth through to a walking, talking toddler.

Driven by our nervous system, that blueprint is expressed and reinforced in early life and are the original operating instructions for the human body, creating optimal stabilisation, movement and posture.

Ever noticed how babies move so freely, as though it is effortless? For a range of reasons, as we grow up and move through life we tend to deviate from this blueprint, and we start to develop tension, restrictions and issues.

The good news is that you can rediscover this blueprint at any time. It is still there, patiently waiting for you in your brain and nervous system. You need only access it to carve away years of dysfunctional movement, poor posture, and experience radical transformation for your body.

Are You a Parent?

Posture and movement patterns are

built during the first year of life. I work with parents to help their children get the best possible start to life.

The first year is a critical period of development for the child which, if managed well, can set them up for healthy posture and movement for life.

About Me

Hi, I am Suzanne.

I am an Occupational Therapist who is passionate about empowering people with the knowledge and skills to bring about their own healing. I help my clients find their way back to their body’s natural blueprint for posture and movement.

I work with a revolutionary method of transforming the body known as Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation or DNS for short. DNS is an exercise based therapeutic method which harnesses the innate capacity of our nervous system to correct our posture, bring the body into alignment and create efficient, stable movement patterns. The results of this are wide ranging...

It all starts with breath

Breathing is your fundamental movement pattern. You breathe, give or take, 20,000 times per day. If your breath isn't working for you, nothing else will. Find out why...


Transform Your Breath Workshop

Ever struggled to breathe using

your diaphragm? When you breathe in, does your chest move toward your head? Do you need help to regulate your nervous system?

  • Find out why breathing is the very foundation of your posture and movement

  • Learn how to correct your breathing easily and automatically

  • Stimulate your vagus nerve and calm your nervous system

Individual Consultation

An Individual Consultation is the best way to specifically address your individual needs and help you to get started on your physical transformation journey.

  • Available online via Zoom or in person

  • Consults available for infants, children, teenagers and adults of all ages

  • Minimum of one individual consultation required prior to entering into a Membership Package

Membership Packages

Membership provides an avenue

to immerse yourself in this healing bodywork practice in a supportive environment with guidance, support and consistency to help propel you foward on your healing journey.

  • Online Exercise Library

  • Weekly Live Zoom Classes with Coaching

  • Online Community and Support

  • Class Replays & Mini Classes

Your Nervous System Holds The Keys to Your Health

Your brain and nervous system hold the innate wisdom and capacity to

bring your body back into a state of balance, stability and strength.

Learn more about this amazing and transformative method.

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